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Oden Eriksson wrote:
> Hi.
> I was following this guide:
> http://www.lowth.com/LinWiz/nfs_help.html
> ...to set up more secure NFS at our small office, that worked real nice,

Hmmm, looks better than standard NFS setup and having to open up
firewall rules too far ... maybe this could be made the standard setup?
And then the firewall config tool could have a checkbox for NFS?

> but I
> wonder what "STATD_HOSTNAME" is and where this is supposed to be set?

- From rpc.statd(8):

" -n, --name name
    specify  a  name  for rpc.statd to use as the local hostname. By
    default, rpc.statd will call gethostname(2)  to  get  the  local
    hostname. Specifying a local hostname may be useful for machines
    with more than one interfaces."

Since it only sources configs from /etc/sysconfig/network, I guess it
must be set there, but it would be logical to have all NFS settings in
one file.

> I call for better logic in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfslock file to enable
it to
> use values like the /etc/rc.d/init.d/nfs sysv file and its
> config file.

Seems logical ...

> And oh, this is a 9.1 box, but that won't matter since the nfs-utils
> hasn't changed.


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