I've been building and testing cooker systems for over a year, primarily by creating ISOs with MakeCD and burning them. I've tried harddrive and network installs, but they don't work for me (as documented in bug 3295).

Recently, as documented in bug 4057, burning ISOs stopped working as well, and a previous comment in this list drew a response that indicates that at least one other person is having the same problem with MakeCD.

There's been a lot of traffic on this list about telling people that they'd better report certain problems by a certain point in the development cycle if they want to see the bug addressed in the final release. That's quite reasonable, but it falls apart if the build/install process itself is broken and just stays that way.

I entered bug 3295 on March 14 (hd/network installs giving package errors that ISO installs from ISOs burned from the exact same directories do NOT give), and nobody's commented on it but me.

After finding bug 4057 (installs from ISOs hang at "looking for available packages"), I no longer have any way to build or install a Cooker system. This bug showed up sometime between the beginning of June and mid-June. There was another mkcd bug which Warly addressed around mid-June that had made it impossible to build ISO images at all from about June 3 to June 12, so I can't tell when in that timeframe bug 4057 surfaced.

I would very much like to continue testing Cooker for you, and I realize that you are short-staffed. If I had never gotten a build to work, I could understand a certain amount of skepticism about bug reports saying "my cooker won't work". But that's not the case here. If I can build/burn ISOs which install without problems, yet the exact same directories won't install without problems if I do an hd or network install, then I don't think the problem is in the directories. Likewise, if I have been building/installing burned ISO systems all along, and they suddenly stop installing when I haven't changed my mirroring code, AND someone else is seeing the same problem, the problem isn't in my copy of Cooker.

Recent posts to this list indicate that we're coming close to a beta milepost for 9.2, and it is really annoying to not be able to test anything, since I will no doubt hear later on that I should have reported that bug back in whenever.

Please take a look at these bug reports and provide some feedback.

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