In brief, I've uploaded python modules for: expect emulation (pexpect), 
rational numbers (cRat), IEEE floating point constants (fpconst), string "i = 
$i" interpolation (Itpl), logging (logging), and functional programming 

Now, the full package descriptions:

>This is a pure-python replacement for Expect, a module that
>allows easy control of other applications (including interactive
>applications that would drive popen crazy). It's not 100%
>compatible with the real thing, but its at least 90% compatible,
>and much easier to use.

>This is an efficient Python module for rational numbers. In particular,
>it uses an improved gcd algorithm (encoded in C), which dramatically
>increases speeds for large rationals.

>This module provides constants and functions for handling IEEE754
>floating point infinite and NaN values.
>This works on any python that uses IEEE754 double values for its float
>type (whether big- or little-endian). Although this is not required,
>it's unlikely any python would fail to meet this requirement (the code
>in both the standard and JPython interpreters assumes IEEE754 double
>all over the place).

>This is a python module for interpolating strings (that is,
>for expanding variables within strings), as described in
>PEP 215. This module may become part of the standard library,
>or the functionality may be built into Python in the future.

>This is a python module that implements a full-featured logging system
>in line with PEP 282 (comparable to java.util.logging, log4j, etc.).

>The Xoltar Toolkit is a collection of useful utilities for programming
>in Python. Aside from the threadpool module, the toolkit is mostly
>concerned with enabling a functional programming style in Python.

Here's some other packages I have, which I didn't upload, as they seem less 
likely to be of general interest. If anyone wants any of the following, let 
me know and I'll lint it and upload it:

* ExpectPy: The best expect wrapper. If you need 100% expect compatibility, 
you might want this. Otherwise, use pexpect.
* expect: The classic expect wrapper. If you know and love tcl, you might want 
this. Also, many other linuxes include this module, so you might want it for 
compatibility reasons. Otherwise, use pexpect or ExpectPy.

* rational: Another rational numbers module, not as efficient as cRat, but 
closer to the proposed spec, and extending it with correct inf/NaN handling. 
If you really need the right answer for float(rational(0)/rational(0))....
* decimal: Arbitrary-precision, precision-preserving decimal fractions (1.1 + 
1.274 = 2.4).
* Decimal: Arbitrary-precision, precision-extending decimal fractions (1.1 + 
1.274 = 2.384).
* fixedpoint: Arbitrary-precision, fixed-precision decimal fractions (1.1 + 
1.274 = 2.4; 1.274 + 1.1 = 2.384).
* FixedPoint: A different implementation of the same idea.

* indices: A module that provides various ways to enumerate an iterator--both 
enumerate (which will be in python 2.3) and indices, xindices, irange, and 
xirange (rejected for 2.3 in favor of enumerate). For example, instead of 
"for i, e in zip(range(len(seq)), seq)" use "for i, e in irange(seq)."
* accumulate: Everyone's favorite higher-order function missing from python.
* xzip: A module providing xzip, xmap, and xfilter (all rejected for 2.3).

* ClassMixer: Automatic generation of mixin classes.
* gensim: Generator comprehensions and parameters, ala PEP 279 (rejected), 
more of a proof-of-concept than truly useful.

* normalDate: A simple date library.
* pyFinancials: Financial calculaton toolkit.
* Pool: A simple allocator library.
* pimap: An IMAP library, together with a console client, both incomplete.

* IPP: Enhanced interactive python prompt.
* n8gray-stuff: All of n8gray's tools, which are mostly geared toward 
improving the interactive prompt.
* ihelp: Access help (man pages, info, etc.) from the interactive prompt.
* pyrepl: Readline on steroids.

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