Hello all,
 I have just finished installing alpha 7.0 on my DEC XL 333 alpha (system
type: Alcor).  I replaced my Red Hat 6.2 which booted OK.  My install went
well except for...

1) the make boot disk setup did not work.

2) After the install, I can not boot the system from milo.  I can no
   longer do a "ls sda1:", I get...

 I don't know what that means.  I was able to boot with the following...

milo> boot scd0:/boot/v.gz root=/dev/sda1

 But this is not an excellent long term solution.  Any ideas why the milo
that easily booted redhat 6.0 and 6.2 will not boot Mandrake 7.0?
And why it can no longer ls the fiesystem?

 Also, I am not a member of this email list, so please email me directly.

        -Darren Crane

  -Darren Crane                     |"The future is no place
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]           | to place your better days."
   http://www.indigoridge.com/      |                   -Dave Matthews

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