Buchan Milne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Warly, you have mentioned this before, is it worthwhile doing?


- I have no problem with the current cooker.

- 500 mails a day is about 2 MB, which represents 5 min of a 56k modem
connection. However the bandwith argument is still valid to my mind.

- I agree that some people have various interests and are not
interested in such or such topics.

- You are the guys who participate to cooker freely as an help to
Mandrakesoft, and it should be at your convenience to decide what to
do (however we can consider that this a community stuff that should be
decided by all the active contributors)

- I agree that multiple list will favor crosspost of people not knowing
where to ask.

- I agree that more mails will be missed because KDE team will not go
the installation list checking if there is some stuff for them and
vice et versa (bad example ? :).

- I do not agree with the bugzilla mails having a special list, nobody
will cc to the bug nor read the bugs ml, even if the bug is first sent
to cooker. I think that the bugs comments are part of the general
discussion on the developement, and should be considered as equivalent
to cooker thread.


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