On Friday 18 July 2003 04:37 pm, you wrote:
> On Fri, 18 Jul 2003, w9ya wrote:
> > O.k. Here's yet some more observations.
> >
> > I was premature in stating that conditions had changed. It now appears
> > that sometimes a full dhcp lease is retreved, and THEN logging into kde
> > via kdm is killing the interface etc. (eth0), and at other times the
> > interface and lease never get completed. In both cases the drivers are
> > there.
> Posting anecdotes about the things you were doing when something took your
> interface down isn't going to help.

Not really, it can be very useful. Someone who made the changes might very 
well know the changes that were made. (I sure as heck don't.)

> If you want to try and fix this, post the output of 'ifstatus -v eth0' at
> the time when the interface is up, and when it is down, and the contents
> of your /etc/sysconfig/networks-scripts/ifcfg-eth0, and possibly the
> drive your PCMCIA NIC uses.

No difference whatsoever with ifstatus between/during the two conditions 

The ifcfg-eth0 is dhcp protocol and during boot (and needing the hostname) , 
but I mentioned or inferred all of this info before.

> If you don't post any information that is *useful* for seeing what is
> happening, this is a waste of time for all of us.

Well, since the two above are not truly useful, I guess I don't have anything 
to report, unless you have something more specific you want me to look at.

Are you by chance the maintainer of any of the associated packages ?

Bob Finch

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