On Monday 21 July 2003 12:10, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
> Andi Payn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > The new behavior is probably better. But this means that a bunch of
> > old inconsistencies that never caused problems before now have to be
> > taken care of.
> a new job for distriblint ?

That sounds like the right place to put it. Maybe just check to see that no 
current package obsoletes another current package unless the two conflict?

> > 4. Come up with a new policy for provides/obsoletes when replacing
> > old packages. Just versioning the obsoletes will solve 95% of the
> > problems. (If gimp-1.2 and gimp1_3-1.3 both said "Obsoletes:
> > hackgimp < 1.2" instead of "Obsoletes: hackgimp" everything would
> > work fine.) To solve the other 5%, don't ever copy over obsoletes
> > tags from the previous major version (except where it makes sense,
> > of course).

Does the fact that you excerpted this quote without comment mean that you 
agree that this is a good idea?

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