        Thank you for the reply. Yes I did report the bugs, and I don't mean
instability in the sense that the OS would crash. Just "irritating" type
things. Like clicking on "DiskDrake" and not having anything popup, then
launched it from a console and seeing that its complaing about some library
and is segfaulting each time. ( not that that happened, its just an
example ).
        I am very pleased to hear you speak about 7.1 like you do, I am eager to
try it and love all the awesome utilities Mandrake incorporates. I was just
trying to atleast put the spotlight on the idea of not getting TOO excited
and releasing with bad bugs ( install bugs, main system setup type bugs
<XFree>, etc. ).
        I don't claim to be a master, so yes you are right, many of my problem
could possibly have been fixed if I was more Linux savey, but also some of
the bugs I found are the type that just shouldn't happen.
        As far as Win2k shipping with 64000 bugs, I've run it for quite a while
now, and am impressed with the stability/speed/look&feel of it. But
sometimes I will do the damn weirdest things! Just completely random. For
example, my "services.exe" process started eating 70% of my CPU for 2 hours
the other day. Double clicking programs doesn't open them right awawy ( even
waiting doesnt' work, and there is no process for the program ) I sometimes
have to try 6 or 7 times, then it will just pop right up. Its erradic
behavior like that which has run me into the arms of my TI-82, and as soon
as 7.1 is out, Mandrake.

Best wishes,

Riyad Kalla
Java Programmer
Game Enthusiast

-----Original Message-----
From: Allen Bolderoff [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2000 5:38 PM
Subject: Re: [Cooker] Mandrake's Stability

> always do a full install and try and keep the install as default as
> possible ( to try and avoid "special" unaccounted for situations ).
> After installation I've always within 10 minutes encountered segfaults
> of utility software, or misconfigurations, or endless lists of errors
> being printed out to the console during runtime of a application. This
> is always kept me out

what software, what kind of errors?

did you report them to these lists?

I personally, having run RH, slackware, even lsl and debian, have found MDK
be as stable as any other.

They all have bugs, and quite often when problems occur, it is due to my
stupidity, and not the distros fault.

I personally am quite pleased with the 7.0, and 7.1Beta releases. The test
cycle for 7.1 has been quite colorful, if you read this list, and  at times
frustrating, however I feel that at the end of it all 7.1 is going to be the
*best mandrake ever*.

in fact, it is going to be the *best* Redhat ever.

That being so, If I Must Applaude mandrake people, who have been polite, and
civil to the flamers, and generally rude and obnoxious children who have
flaming this list since the beginning of the beta cycle. Well done, It would
have made my blood boil to have to put up with that stuff.

Anyway, Mandrake have done all the right things here, and with their cooker
system, I feel they are doing very well.

My 4c

Allen Bolderoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
LNC -  Linux, help and commentary
CTPC - Caffeine - get it here:
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