Well, can you try with a simple ping to check is up when you
check curl. After that, check curl without -k --location-trusted and after that
check with
 curl ftp://robert:[EMAIL 
directly without more option.

You are sure of not using a proxy for accessing files ?

If so, can you continue trying curl with --disable-epsv to the above tests.

Hmm, something is causing the packet filtering...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] lamikr]$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Packet filtered
From icmp_seq=2 Packet filtered
From icmp_seq=3 Packet filtered

But here is another example which shows how curl fails and wget works when trying to retrieve hdlist from the sunsite.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] lamikr]# curl ftp://sunsite.uio.no//pub/unix/Linux/Mandrake/Mandrake-devel/cooker/cooker/Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz
curl: (9) Couldn't cd to

[EMAIL PROTECTED] lamikr]# wget ftp://sunsite.uio.no//pub/unix/Linux/Mandrake/Mandrake-devel/cooker/cooker/Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz
--13:10:38-- ftp://sunsite.uio.no//pub/unix/Linux/Mandrake/Mandrake-devel/cooker/cooker/Mandrake/base/hdlist2.cz
=> `hdlist2.cz.4'
Resolving sunsite.uio.no... done.
Connecting to sunsite.uio.no[]:21... connected.
Logging in as anonymous ... Logged in!
==> SYST ... done. ==> PWD ... done.
==> TYPE I ... done. ==> CWD /pub/unix/Linux/Mandrake/Mandrake-devel/cooker/cooker/Mandrake/base ... done.
==> PASV ... done. ==> RETR hdlist2.cz ... done.
Length: 13,092,384 (unauthoritative)

100%[====================================>] 13,092,384 670.77K/s ETA 00:00

13:10:58 (670.77 KB/s) - `hdlist2.cz.4' saved [13092384]


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