Hey gang;

I noticed today that the "start menu" (in KDE) has this listing : 
Configuration -> Packaging -> Software Medias Manager

Medias is mispeeled. Media is already plural and does not use an "s" at the 

Medium is the singular of this word.

Bob Finch

Lately some of my input has been appreciated in "odd" ways. In the hope of 
precluding such behavior I will give some concrete additional info.

from Merriam Webster's on line dictionary;

2 entries found for media.
To select an entry, click on it.
Main Entry: 2media
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural me·di·as
Usage: often attributive
Etymology: plural of medium
Date: 1923
1 : a medium of cultivation, conveyance, or expression; especially : MEDIUM 2b
2 a singular or plural in construction : MASS MEDIA b plural : members of the 
mass media
usage The singular media and its plural medias seem to have originated in the 
field of advertising over 50 years ago; they are apparently still so used 
without stigma in that specialized field. In most other applications media is 
used as a plural of medium. The great popularity of the word in references to 
the agencies of mass communication is leading to the formation of a mass 
noun, construed as a singular <there's no basis for it. You know, the news 
media gets on to something -- Edwin Meese 3d> <the media is less interested 
in the party's policies -- James Lewis, Guardian Weekly>. This use is not as 
well established as the mass-noun use of data and is likely to incur 
criticism especially in writing.

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