vi /etc/fstab

(add line to end of file)
/dev/zip        /mnt/zip        ext2    defaults                0 0

-David Talbot

At 03:58 PM 6/1/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I've installed the desk icon; I downloaded the drive from Iomega (but it
>was a pain finding it) and now for the greatest newbie question of the
> do I get the two together. I get the error ,"can't find
>/dev/zip in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab...:)
>and now for the second runner up  do I un-tar something in
>mandrake's version and then (( does linux-mandrake have an
>idiot's..(newbies')... guide to mandrake7.0?) ..i.e. the driver from
>Iomega.) get it to go where I want.
>that it for the newbie question from my room you may all continue to

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