David Walser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > argh. as far as my tests went, a while ago, i saw that using
> > artsdsp and esddsp was a big performance problem, so personally i
> > use it for xmms only, but not for frozen-bubble and the other
> > games i maintain.
> I think I remember seeing egoboo and supertux fixed 2 Sundays
> ago, but I don't remember adontell and tuxracer being fixed.
> You wanna take care of it GC?

I have more urgent things to do..
> Speaking of avoiding using artsdsp/esddsp when possible, is
> anything happening with my new soundwrapper?

Didn't test it yet.

Guillaume Cottenceau - http://people.mandrakesoft.com/~gc/

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