David....I pre-ordered a GPL CD from LinuxLand:



David Talbot wrote:
> And can we pre-order on-line? And if so, when can we expect it to arrive in
> the mail?
> -David Talbot
> At 02:48 PM 6/2/00 -0700, you wrote:
> >I've asked this question about 6 times and never gotten a response:
> >
> >It sounds from little remarks here and there, that 7.1 has gone final and
> >off to be pressed/packaged. Where are the final ISOs? And if they aren't out
> >yet, WHEN? <shaking by collar> WHERE DAMNIT!!!??
> >
> >Ok thanks,
> >
> >Riyad Kalla
> >Java Programmer
> >Game Enthusiast

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