On Monday 04 August 2003 11:11, Ken Thompson wrote:
> If security is in question, then simply configure mdkkdm to not show any
> user icons requiring the person logging in to know the username/password

Actually, I had a client a few years ago who was a bank, and some bank 
examiners came in and dinged them because their NT 4 workstations displayed 
the userid of the last successfully logged in user in the login dialog.  We 
had to do some kind of registry hack or download some freeware or something 
to disable that behavior.  Bank examiners (and these days, probably any other 
security auditor) would flip their lids at the notion of a login manager that 
not only displays the last logged in user, but every user in the system.  

On all of the pre-9.1 machines I've deployed in bank environments, I've turned 
off kdm's "show users as little icons" option in KDE control center (on those 
machines that need X running in the first place) but as I mentioned 
previously, I wondered why that wasn't working in 9.1 and that's probably 
slowed down our deployment a little as a result.


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