A little addition -

the XFree version that works with the CLE266 Chipset is  4.3.99 snapshot 
release 8, however the xauth programm is buggy in that version ;o)



On Tuesday 05 August 2003 16:37, Joerg Mertin wrote:
> Hia folks,
> any chance in getting the 2.4.22  (Well the patches from  2.4.22-pre10-ac1)
> kernel runningon Mdk-9.2 final ?
> Would be quite nice to not having to repatch & Build the kernel everytime
> I'm using a new one :) Also - if the CLE266 Chipset support could also be
> integrated into X - or at least having a package that adds support for it
> would be really great :)
> Thx for taking this into account & Cheers
>       Joerg

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