On Sat, 2003-08-16 at 22:21, guran wrote:
> On Saturday 16 August 2003 22.38, Duncan wrote:
> > On Sat 16 Aug 2003 05:23, Frederic Soulier posted as excerpted below:
> > > 3) Missing KDE programs (eg Konsole)
> >
> > Konsole was just split off of kdebase.  It's now a separate package,
> > kdebase-konsole, or some such.  I think it should still be installed by
> > default, but either it isn't tweaked to do so when selecting KDE yet, due
> > the the newness of the split, or others think otherwise, it would seem
> This has happened for me a couple of times now, and I am afraid that someone 
> might be trying to do the same mistake as RedHat has been doing, forcing the 
> user away from KDE. to the slower and rigid Gnome.
> Pathetic, if this is the case.
> guran

However, you're being paranoid and unhelpful. KDE is being split up
because it makes perfect sense to split KDE up, and what you're seeing
is teething troubles, and the reason you're seeing them is because this
is Cooker, where teething troubles happen. Don't like 'em, go elsewhere.
See, no need to panic.

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