Giuseppe Ghibò <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> IMHO what this could replace is the %serverbuild macro, which
> should have -fstack-protector enabled.

Not a bad idea at all. Perhaps other security sensetive software as
well. Like for example suid stuff ( cdrecord )

> From benchmark (ssbench) I don't see any appreciable slow down, but it
> would be interesting to see some BIG benchmark for instance to Apache
> or some mailer, to see the effective impact. If someone has one or is
> willing to do some intensive benchmark...

On OpenBSD they found something like about 5%.
And the whole OS except for some ports/packages that don't like it is
build with stackprotector.

> Also we have to be sure, that such patch doesn't have side effect on
> applications. For instance I've heard that mozilla as well as XFree86
> weren't compiling/working with stack-protector enabled.

/usr/ports% grep stack-protector **/Makefile
www/mozilla-firebird/Makefile:CFLAGS+=  -fno-stack-protector
www/mozilla/Makefile:CFLAGS+=   -fno-stack-protector

It's not that dramatic :)

# Han

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