Steve Fox wrote:
> On Tue, 2003-08-19 at 12:51, John Keller wrote:
> > I never seem to be able to get text previews in my icons in Nautilus
> > files or remote mounts), not even when I set preferences to show them
> > "Always". Sometimes, I wonder if it isn't because Nautilus thinks my
> > is too slow (PII/400). But then again, I *can* see graphic previews just
> > fine.
> This is theme dependent. The 'Gnome' icon theme shows text previews, but
> 'Industrial' does not.

D'oh! You are so right. Thanks for clearing that up.

Just goes to show, there's sometimes just a hair's breadth away from my
still being a n00b. :-)

- John

P.S. Send my regards to Rochester. I grew up there.

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