Quoting Juan Quintela <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> >>>>> "svetoslav" == Svetoslav Slavtchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> writes:
> Hi
>         Just a new comment about patches:
> Reason why I used names like:
> AB01-2_blah.patch
> was to make it easy to distinguih with a single
> ls <version_1>/patches > d1
> ls <version_2>/patches > d2
> diff d1 d2
> showed me what patches changed between one and the other, the only
> thing that had to happen was that if a patch change, its name *must*
> also change.
> As other people (myself included) forgotted to update names when
> rediffing, I do now a:
> cd <version_1>/patches; md5sum * > d1
> cd <version_2>/patches; md5sum * > d2
> diff d1 d2
> Then it is not necessary to have the ugly
> AB01-2_blah.patch  names.
> AB01_blah.patch should be enough.
> svetoslav> i don't have one (can you send me yours :) )
> attached :)
> Now that we are on that, will show full set of alias & shell functions
> for your .bashrc
> way that I release kernel:
> tar xvfj linux-2.4.21.tar.bz2
> # kcp hardlinks the trees, making operation very fast and very space 
> # efficient, you need an editor than understand hardlinks (i.e. when
> # it oppens a file with numer of links > 1, it copies the file when
> # you modify it, don't update inplace).  emacs knows how to do it, vim
> # by default no.
> kcp linux-2.4.21 w1
> cd w1
> <patch>/2.4.21-q1/scripts/apply_patches
> some patch fail, namely AB01_something.patch
> fix rejects
> cd ..
> d1 w1/<path_file_1> .ab01
> # only diff between d1 & d2 is that d1 remove the /tmp/d file if it
> # already exists
> d2 w1/<path_file_2> .ab01
> edit AB01_something.patch
> see if the changes are good, and change the differences of the files.
> continue apply_patches with next patch.
> Here are the aliases.
> # write protect a directory, very useful with kcp below
> kprotect ()
> {
>       local directory=$1
>       find $directory -type f | xargs chmod a-w
> }
> # Made the diff of of file.orig and file
> temp_file=/tmp/d
> # Extra Bonus: does somebody how to convince diff to type the diff
> # line when diffing a single file?
> d2 () {  
>       local filename=$1
>       local version=$2
>       echo "diff -uNp ${filename}${version}.orig ${filename}" >> $temp_file
>       /usr/bin/diff -uNp ${filename}${version}.orig ${filename} >> $temp_file
> }
> d1 () {  
>       local filename=$1
>       local version=$2
>       # truncate dest file
>       cp -f /dev/null $temp_file
>       d2 $filename $version
> }
> # The k* build kernel functions
> alias knone='~/bin/r --without up --without smp --without enterprise
> --without BOOT --without secure --without source --without doc
> SPECS/kernel-2.4.spec'
> alias kup='knone --with up'
> alias kboot='knone --with BOOT'
> alias ksmp='knone --with smp'
> alias kent='knone --with enterprise'
> alias ksecure='knone --with secure'
> # now you can compile only an SMP kernel with with debug with
> # ksmp -bb --with debug
> # ~/bin/r is simply a shell script with that allows me to compile
> # things in any dir.
> #!/bin/sh
> export LC_ALL=C
> exec rpm --define "_topdir $PWD" --define "_tmppath $PWD/tmp" $*
> # end r
> alias rdiff='/usr/bin/diff -urNp --exclude=CVS --exclude="*~" --exclude=".#*"
> --exclude=TAGS'
> alias diff='/usr/bin/diff -up'
> alias kdiff='/usr/bin/diff -urNp --exclude-from=$HOME/config/misc/dontdiff'
> alias kcp='cp -dpilR'
> alias minstall="make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=/tmp/kk modules_install"
> # kdiff is very good to diff kernel-trees, it is very fast if you are
> # using hard-linked trees (i.e. created with kcp), and the dontdiff
> # file just told files that you are not interesested in.
> # 
> # ExtraBonus:  How to put a directory with a dir/file thing.

very, very useful help :)

thanks a lot :-)

now i only need to solve fs corruption problems :(

> svetoslav> hm, i think it shouldn't be a problem, but ..
> svetoslav> i can not give you a good explanation so ..
> svetoslav> you might drop it if you think it might break smth.
> svetoslav> (
> svetoslav> i couldn't get it running with my CD/DVD writers,
> svetoslav> and the patch was not really tested/ it was intended just for
> review by Thomas
> svetoslav> ) 
> I did a couple of small changes in it.  Will try harder later.
> Later, Juan.

could you enable udffs write support,
it's the latest cvs thanks to the packet-cd/dvd patch (which is probably non
usable without udf fs write support)
and it can be quite useful with DVD+RW 

we'll have to package also the udf tools:
to be able to format DVD+RW or pktcdvd media and the pktcdvd utils are also in
the udf-tools package

and one more question,
can you take a look at the device-mapper patches (ZY*.patch)
@ http://varna.demon.co.uk/~svetlio/ruby-contrib/mdk-cook/probably_broken/



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