On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 08:45, Brook Humphrey wrote:
> However I was only getting about 2k or 3k max and most the time it
> was sitting at 0.

Currently getting at 38kB/s and giving at 3kB/s over a 512/128kb ADSL 
link (ArachNet in Western Australia). Most of this morning that was 
about 6/13 so I gather that my torrent has found another donor.

> This was my first and last use of bittorrent. Nice to know that
> most the rest of you are sucking healthy but not giving any of
> it back.

Because my link is asymmetrical, the most I can hope to give at is about 
13kB/s, and when uploads approach that they knacker downloads (which I 
could fix with shaping if I wasn't so lazy).

> Thanks for confirming my suspicions. Well you all have one less pipe
> to feed on now. Thanks for sharing the same that you receive.

No worries. Currently at 45/5, and I'll leave mine up for a few days 
after it finishes to make up for that.

Cheers; Leon

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