Brant Fitzsimmons wrote:
> John Keller wrote:
> >D'oh! I hadn't realized that Tim had made available some Gimp files with
> >layers. Brant, let me know if you have something similar. In the
> >I'll chug along with some of Tim's stuff...
> I did mine in Photoshop.  What needs to be done to the images?  Is there
> anything that you need me to do?

Hi, Brant.

I'm cc'ing you in my reply because, for some reason, I have something like a
12-hour latency with my Cooker mail. Apologies for the resulting duplicate.

Photoshop format is just fine. I have FireWorks MX on my XP machine, which
should be able to handle all but the more esoteric things. Filters may be a
problem, so I'll let you know if so (I'll compare to what you've posted to
make sure I'm seeing what I should, before I get started).

As for the resolutions, 1024x768 and 1600x1200 are the two that I've seen
most commonly for the themes that I've used. Either or both would be just
fine. Of course, if you've got everything in one psd (or two, since you have
two bootsplash designs) then I'm fine with that, too!

If the files total more than three or four MB, we can work something out
other than via e-mail.

I'll probably get started on the themes this weekend or early next week
(same for Tim's), but I should have something for you to see pretty quickly
after that.

- John

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