Copy of the reply I got from Bob, since it didn't go to the list:

On Friday 29 August 2003 08:45 am, John Keller wrote:
> w9ya wrote:
> > No comments on wikis. Or maybe better put; I had better not waste
> everyones
> > time on my impressions of wikis. In any event; I think the timetable
> *needs*
> > to reiterated on the mailing list as "milestones" approach as stuff on a
> wiki
> > is easily "missed".
> I think that the Wiki serves an important role in presenting information
> that might normally be drowned out on the list. I've just spent an entire
> night making it so that it's easier to find the information without
> resorting to a search, expressly so people can quickly get to key info
> the front page.

When they are and remain organized.

> I think it's unreasonable to expect the level of redundancy on the mailing
> list that you're asking for. What happens when someone subscribes after
> crucial announcement? What about me, missing half a day's messages due to
> some unexplained problem? What makes you sure that some key announcement
> will be seen by everyone?

Well nothing is perfect , even wikis. (see my comment above)

> The sheer fact that you missed the information about OO.o being included
> RC2 says to me that you, like anyone else, can easily miss the one
> announcement that matters to them. Then we're back to square one with the
> complaints...

Actually I saw the request, and a saw a message from Warly. The english was
poor enough I wasn't sure if it was rc1 or rc2 of OO.

> If you don't like the Wiki, fine. But it was implemented as a solution to
> precisely the problem that you bring up. It's unreasonable to dismiss that
> solution and still complain that information isn't being conveyed (when it
> is) just because it's not in the format you want.

Again, until you reorganized the wiki, the information was *effectively*
to me.

> - John
> P.S. Your e-mail settings override the ability to reply to the list,
> instead of just to you. You may want consider changing them, or else the
> list will miss some of the very information that you say it should have.

Actually, ALL email programs I am aware of can deal with this just fine. I
have considered changing them, but most emailing lists I subscribe to
that field on incoming messages to the reflector itself. I need this setting
for other work. Perhaps Mandrake can change the way their reflector works ?

Best regards;


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