Olivier Blin wrote:
> > Works for me in both. But the "Linux" theme looks like the 9.1 theme,
> > I was expecting a penguin.
> oups, fixing ...
> dunno what happened :/

Hi, Oliver.

Would you be willing to consider changing one other thing as well?

In all of the new themes, the verbose bootsplash is used for the screen in
virtual console 1; none of the other consoles have any image. However, the
Linux theme has a nice penguin on the first 4 of the 6 (and the Mandrake one
has "9.2" on the same consoles) and allows use of the full screen.

In some cases, the space allowed by the verbose bootsplash is far too
cramped to use as a console (especially if you work in 1024x768 or higher).
So you effectively lose a console -- and the main one, at that. Would you
consider instead using a dark image in the background (like Tux or the 9.2
are used), and allow the full screen to be used instead of a restricted

Thanks for the time in packaging all of these!

- John

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