Even with the latest beta I could not get my Logitech MouseMan Wheel to
work - I tried all the settings in DrakConf. I had to manually configure
/etc/X11/XF86Config to the following:

Protocol "MouseManPlusPS/2" (already existed in file)
Device  "/dev/mouse" (already existed in file)
Buttons 3 (had to add this)
ZAxisMapping 4 5 (had to add this line also)

It then worked  under root but in order for the user to use it more had
to be done:

Placed a copy of /etc/X11/imwheelrc in my home directory.
Placed a link in the autostart folder to /usr/X11R6/bin/imwheel -k

Restarted X and still did not work.

Has to set UID on /usr/X11R6/bin/imwheel before the user could run
imwheel -k from autostart folder.

Then it worked.

Am I doing something wrong?
The Mandrake installation detected it as a generic PS2 mouse.


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