I'm running an Asus A7N8X Deluxe (333) with an IBM disk. My machine
sometimes locks up, mostly after running for a few days. The lockup leaves
the the caps and scroll lock lights on on the keyboard.

Also, the disk regularly gets reset, resulting in very conservative IDE
settings (dma turned off, etc). I've discussed this with Thomas back in
July, his -tmb kernels were more stable than the mandrake kernels at that

I'll try the mem=nopentium option.



> I have confimed that with mem=nopentium I can use UDMA66/100 reliably on
> the
> Abit NF7-v1.2 board with either my Maxtor or Western Digital drives.
> Unfirtunately I can also confim that even with mem=nopentium the system
> locks
> hard when using UDMA66/100 on the Abit NF7-v2.0 board with either my
> Maxtor
> or Western Digital drives.
> This leads me to believe that it is an nForce2 Ultra 400 chipset, and or
> an
> Abit motherboard BIOS issue. That said it could also/just be a kernel
> incompatibility with the Ultra 400 chipset, I just don't know.
> Is anybody else running with an nForce2 Ultra 400, using UDMA66/100?
> Have you encountered these hangs?
> --
> John Allen,                          Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> MandrakeClub Silver Member.

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