> Hash: SHA1 
> Svetoslav Slavtchev wrote: 
> >>On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, John Allen wrote: 
> >> 
> >> 
> >>>On Wednesday 03 September 2003 10:17, Radek Vybiral wrote: 
> >>> 
> >>>>On Wed, 3 Sep 2003, Robert Pollak wrote: 
> >>>>>Does this mean there will be no further stabilizing branch after 
> >>9.2, to 
> >>>>>  eventually get a 9.2.1? 
> >>>> 
> >>>>You may get 9.2.1 = 9.2 + updates. 
> >>>Whilst this is true, it would perhaps be better to have a real 9.2.1, 
> >>>9.2.2 
> >>>etc.... 
> > may be when there are important bug-fixes(updates) 
> > a metapackage for all the updates could be provided 
> > and increase the release number 
> This: 
> a)Serves no purpose 
> b)Creates extra unnecessary complication for people who ensure their 
> packages are still usable on older distros. 
OK :) 
> >>We have systems with service packs, patched, build ID greater than 
> release 
> >>build, but major release number is always without touch. 
> >> 
> >>Many packages takes version from /etc/mandrake-release, many commercial 
> >>programs are build for exact version of release, etc. 
> > 
> > really ? 
> > this seems a bit strange for me 
> Take a look at the samba spec file, and you will see some good reasons 
> for this. The fact that the compatability was kept with older releases 
> meant that we could release samba-2.2.7a packages in updates for all 
> supported distros, instead of Vince having to apply the patch to the 
> ancient then-current packages for the specific distros, without ending 
> up with extra packages (samba-winbind and nss_wins were introduced with 
> 8.2 IIRC, 8.1 and earlier didn't have acl libraries, 9.2 will be the 
> first with alternatives etc etc etc.). If you look at the samba FTP 
> mirrors, you will also notice that we provide updated samba packages for 
> all supported releases, built both with and without LDAP support 
> (compile-time choice), building for an additional 10 point releases 
> would be a waste of my time (=> I wouldn't do it). 
> Also, it really is only worthwhile bumping a release number if there are 
> new features (this is what OSX does AFAIK, they don't have a new release 
> just for security updates, no-one would pay for it - although maybe Mac 
> users are content to pay for bugfixes ;-)). 
> Regards, 
> Buchan 
> - -- 
> |--------------Another happy Mandrake Club member--------------| 
> Buchan Milne                Mechanical Engineer, Network Manager 
> Cellphone * Work            +27 82 472 2231 * +27 21 8828820x202 
> Stellenbosch Automotive Engineering         http://www.cae.co.za 
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