FACORAT Fabrice ha scritto:

Le mer 03/09/2003 à 10:33, Guillaume Rousse a écrit :

Ainsi parlait FACORAT Fabrice :

fine and is Adobe will follow your guideline ?
1°/ I think that Adobe/Real rpm will consider that they will support
netscape and put their plugins in /usr/lib/netscape/plugins. What you
say is only usefull for mdk own package. But you need to follow a little
bit official package policies.

official (meaning vendors package) plainly sucks. You should never have to install a non-mdk package on a mdk system. There is a commercial/club package for flash, right ?

me newcomer from windows, me used to dl flash/real plugin form
adobe/Real as explain by practically all using flash/Real, me just grab
rpm from adobe/real and install it, me don't want to join club or don't
have enough money to join club.

rpm are not all the same. An rpm for one distribution is not said to work (or better to say works flawlessly) on another...: this is true even from the the same distribution (e.g. MDK 9.1 vs 9.2), imagine from a alien distribution...

BTW, browser plugins can be also installed on a per user basis to

2°/ you %trigger may be fine, but if I update flash/real to a new shiny
version via rpm and the name of the file change ? ...
I think that this could lead to several potentials pb ...

%trigger sucks too. It's up to the flash player to make itself work, not to another one.

and to mozilla to look at it where most of the time flash plugin is

There wasn't a Flash plugin default installation dir (or to be honest default installation is the directory mozilla chooses when installing packages from within mozilla itself, like for instance new themes, new locales, etc.).

In the past, maybe the "privileged" directory could be considered.
<installed_netscape_dir>/plugins, but now netscape is dead (see "RIP Netscape"
section in http://www.mozilla.org/status/2003-07-18.html), so IMHO
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins is the right place.


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