bobby dowling wrote:
> For all of the times this question has been asked and for all of the people
> who have responded before:  sorry!!
> Ok, how do you get the stinkin' wheel to work in Netscape.  I have heard
> that you just add 'resource' entries to some file.  If so, what are the
> resource entries and what file do I add them to?
> So far I have:
> 1) Edited /etc/X11/XF86Config with
>         Buttons 3
>         ZAxisMapping 4 5
>         # emulate 3 buttons
>         # emulate 3 timeout
> 2) Added immwheelrc to $user dir (though I heard this had no effect)
> 3) Rebooted
> What else might I try?

I've noticed that I still have to chmod a+x imwheel in order for the
$user to be able to use it.


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