On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Frederic Lepied wrote:

> > Also, as the amount of email on the sparc port is very low, could we perhaps
> > establish a custom of putting the word "sparc" in the subject so that I can
> > catch them all with a filter and don't miss any?  This way the port-specific
> > messages get sort of highlighted and I can read the rest as needed.
> Good idea. I don't know why we have a so low number of feedbacks :-(

I'm not sure why the low feedback.  I do know though that I hesitated before
sending to this list too, and my first message was asking whether it was the
right group.

The impression that I got from the Mandrake site was that cooker was devoted to
a single distribution that was always experimental.  Although the news posting
on the Mandrake site referred me to this group, the cooker webpage kind of put
me off of it for this reason.  In the end I signed up and just read emails for
awhile.  After not seeing anything about the sparc port i wondered if I had the
right list - so I asked.

I guess what it comes down to is the perception that cooker is for a SINGLE
EXPERIMENTAL version.  If it was promoted as the list for ALL BETA versions
instead then more people might sign up.  You have to make it more obvious that
there can be betas from different ports and also that the different betas can
have different numbers for each port, if that's the current state of things.  I
thought cooker was solely the alpha/beta for 7.2 (or whatever number the next
release is going to be) and so hesitated.  Perhaps rewriting the cooker webpage
to clarify this and then a small news posting would make a difference.

Just my thoughts - in no way consider them to be didactic.
Tom Korte

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