> On Thu, 11 Sep 2003 09:29:11 +0200 (MEST) 
> Svetoslav Slavtchev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> > an update for dvd+rw-tools is needed for support of data dvd copy 
> > (and making k3b quiet ) 
> >  
> > i tried to package current cvs 
> > (anyone interested to review the spec ? , and may be upload to contrib) 
> >  
> > http://varna.demon.co.uk/~svetlio/ruby-contrib/mdk-cook/hack-k3b/ 
> I can upload k3b into contrib, but I don't have write access in main, 
> maybe 
> CC'ing the maintainer or filing a bugreport in bugzilla against 
> dvd+rw-tools 
> is a good idea? 
1.) bug report, that the version is not current? 
(pretty much packages could fall in this criteria :) ) 
or it causes a worning with not included package because of 1.) 
good idea? 
> For hack-k3b, I'd rather name it k3b_0.10 or k3b_0.10cvs or so, because 
> it's 
> just a cvs release, not a hacked up release, right? 
should i change it, or it's not a problem for you ? 
actually i'll do it, but i don't think it's as stable & finished as 0.9, 
that's the reason i don't bug the maintainer of the k3b package 
and decided to name it with hack-k3b 
tell me how to name it :) 

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