On Thu, 2003-09-25 at 00:29, Austin wrote:
> On 09/24/2003 09:32:03 PM, Adam Williamson wrote:
> > One, Mandrake don't make much money on boxes. They pay people to make the
> > boxes, they pay to duplicate the CDs, they pay to print the manuals,
> > they pay for distribution, and they have to sell wholesale to the
> > retailers.
> So why bother at all then?  Where are they selling the boxed sets now?  Online  
> only?

Why sell them at all? Corporate inertia. I expect they won't be within
two years. There's some at MDKsoft who already think dumping boxes is
the way to go. Where are they selling them? Online, and I think in some
European stores.

> > I expect the
> > money they saved by stopping bothering with the US office, the workers,
> > the distribution and so on is probably more than they made from selling
> > boxes in the US in the FIRST place.
> Well, until middle-class America and their non-credit-card-holding but free- 
> living-at-home and part-time-job-holding kids start doing all their shopping  
> online, probably the largest market of disposable income in the world is being  
> left untapped.
> There has to be a way to sell such a cool product to presently-unaware- 
> America, hasn't there?

Presently unaware? I think that's a little exaggerated.

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