On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Vincent Danen wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 22, 2000 at 08:34:41AM -0500, Bryan Paxton wrote:
> FYI, RPM does support this.  It's a matter of the person making the
> .spec file to implement it, but it is supported.
> > Requires: sendmail
> > 
> > This is nasty because you can only specify one MTA. Of course you could overide
> > this with --nodeps, but breaking deps a lot of times will fubar something up
> > completely. Anyway you get the picture.

If Bryan had read the guidelines and recommendations for Manrake spec
files he would know that this is the dirty way of creating a spec file
which Mandrake doesn't *want* to have.

This thing was more than one time mentioned on this list.
netscape should not "provides: netscape", but something like "provides:
web-browser html-browser".

This has nothing to do with deb and rpm.
(Hey Bryan? Again faulty logic? ;-) )

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