Hello Chmouel Boudjnah,
On 20 Jun 2000 19:00:26 -0700 GMT your local time,
which was Wednesday, June 21, 2000, 9:00:26 AM (GMT+0700) my local time,
Chmouel Boudjnah wrote:

> Hi,

> Please for those of you lucky guys who rolling with U66 disks can
> please try the last kernel rpm of cooker and report me as working or
> not.

> Thanks you very much.

what about some U100's....
Reminds me I have seen problems with old DMA33 drives on interface 2
while interface 1 had DMA66. Second interface doesnt always realise
that the drive on a DMA66 cable isnt DMA66...
I ended up with one extreemly unstable hard disk...


Best regards,

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