J.P. Pasnak posted
excerpted below,  on Sat, 04 Oct 2003 15:54:00 -0600:

> Has anyone else experienced problems with menus under Cooker?  I recently
> upgraded a box to Cooker, and the only things in the menu are 'Logout/Lock
> Screen/Recent Documents/What to do?'.   The 'What to do?' contains the
> 'helpful' links to applications, but the normal Mandrake entries do not
> show up (Applications/Multimedia/Networking/etc)
> Normally, if I run into this, a quick load of menudrake and a save resets
> everything (or an 'update-menus').   This time, no luck.    If I use
> menudrake to switch to the 'standard' menu (or change
> ~/.menu/enable_mdk_customization to ~/.menu/disable_mdk_customization),
> the 'standard' menu appears, but I've found no way to get the Mandrake
> menus back.
> Any tips/hints/suggestions/links welcome.

There's a couple threads on this already.  I haven't come across it,
probably because I don't have the window manager in question installed,
but several report it's an unparsable menu file.  As root, from a
console or console window, run update-menus -v (for verbose) to see where
it chokes, and manually edit the file (as outlined in the menu docs) to
correct the issue.  As mentioned, it was reported to be related to one of
the window managers, but IDR which one (not gnome/kde/icewm or I would
have remembered and probably run into the problem myself).

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little
temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety." --
Benjamin Franklin

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