Unfortunately, OOo 1.1 still has several bugs, not the least of which is that it still mangles the occassional Excel spreadsheet in a manner similar to OOo 1.0.2. I had to revert to OOo at work to interoperate with the Excel users.

Thomas Spuhler wrote:

What are you waiting for to release the distro.
If it is for the formal released version of OpenOffice 1.1  then
I am a marketing person of a mid-size corporation and strongly
supporting Linux at work. Releasing a distro with OpenOffice RC would
not be a wise move from a marketing point.

There are always bugs in a program, regardless how long you test it. If
it's a RC then that will be the first thing everybody notices and will
relate it to a second class distro. If a few more days are needed to
incorporate the released version, then please consider to do so.
This is just my 2 cent advice.

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