On Wed, 8 Oct 2003, Thierry Vignaud wrote:
> so the driver found it.
> what is the ouput of the following commands:
> ls -o /dev/.devfsd

ls: /dev/.devfsd: No such file or directory

> ls -o /dev/video*

crw-------    1 gemini    81,   0 Oct  5 12:46 /dev/video0
crw-------    1 gemini    81,   1 Oct  5 12:46 /dev/video1
crw-------    1 gemini   172,   0 Oct  5 12:46 /dev/video1394
crw-------    1 gemini    81,   2 Oct  5 12:46 /dev/video2
crw-------    1 gemini    81,   3 Oct  5 12:46 /dev/video3
crw-------    1 gemini    81,   4 Oct  5 12:46 /dev/video4
crw-------    1 gemini    81,   5 Oct  5 12:46 /dev/video5
crw-------    1 gemini    81,   6 Oct  5 12:46 /dev/video6
crw-------    1 gemini    81,   7 Oct  5 12:46 /dev/video7

total 0
crw-------    1 gemini    10, 204 Oct  5 12:46 em8300
crw-------    1 gemini    10, 206 Oct  5 12:46 em8300_ma
crw-------    1 gemini    10, 205 Oct  5 12:46 em8300_mv
crw-------    1 gemini    10, 207 Oct  5 12:46 em8300_sp

> cat /proc/video/* (or is it /proc/v4l/* ? i do not rember)

cat /proc/video/dev/video0
name            : OV511 USB Camera
type            : VID_TYPE_CAPTURE
hardware        : 0x1b

cat /proc/video/ov511/0/info
driver_version  : v2.25
custom_id       : 21
model           : Creative Labs WebCam 3
streaming       : no
grabbing        : no
can_decompress  : yes
compress        : no
subcapture      : no
sub_size        : 0 0 0 0
brightness      : 2
colour          : 0
contrast        : 0
hue             : 0
exposure        : 0
num_frames      : 2
frame           : 0
  depth         : 0
  size          : 0 0
  format        : Unknown
  data_buffer   : 0x00000000
frame           : 1
  depth         : 0
  size          : 0 0
  format        : Unknown
  data_buffer   : 0x00000000
snap_enabled    : no
bridge          : OV511+
sensor          : Unknown
packet_size     : 0
framebuffer     : 0x00000000
packet_numbering: 1
topology        : usb-00:07.2-1
i2c_adap_id     : 0
input           : 0

camsource says
Unable to open /dev/video0 (No such device)

ls -l /dev/video0
crw-------    1 gemini   video     81,   0 Oct  5 12:46 /dev/video0

(Also tried making the permissions 777, no luck).

Xinerama gaves a similar error message.

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