using gnome is an NFS environment seems to be painfully.
Just have a look at #6138 and #6140 :

when I have the combinaison on both, see what happen.

When you log in and have the gnome preference daemon bug
( see #6138 ), then you decide to stop everything before it mess up your session
config ( as it asks to remove some applets ... ) by hitting CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE.
You reboot the computer to resolve the problem ( argh, having to reboot for a gnome 
problem !  ) and when you try to log
in again ... gconf locking problem ( so you need to remove manually the lock )
and then you can log in ( so 3 attempts and 1 reboot just to log in in Gnome ! ).
This is really painful when you have several computers to administer under
gnome. the locking problem can be solve by erasing by hand the lock at each gnome
start ( i put this in /etc/gnome/gnomerc ), but this is just a hack. Gnome is
really too fragile in an NFS environment ...

Quand le doigt montre la lune, le fou regarde le doigt. Proverbe

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