
  Just read about ZDnet having one of those "cracking challenges" with
Linux vs. Microsoft web servers. The story says Mandrake is on the Linux box:

"Targets for attack

Behind our formidable firewall cluster are three targets. The first is the
Web server, running MandrakeSoft's Linux Mandrake and the Apache
Web server. We'll be using Axent's NetProwler intrusion detection
system to monitor the activities on the Web server subnet. 

The second target is an e-mail subnet hosting the latest build of
Exchange 2000 running on Windows 2000 Advanced Server. (This
test will be a baptism by fire for the soon-to-be-released messaging
platform.) Because Exchange 2000 uses Microsoft's Active Directory
as its directory service, we will have a separate Advanced Server
system hosting an Active Directory tree in the Exchange subnet."


Phil Lavigna

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