> Hi,
> I added the patch i did to find device configured with
> supermount, and the spec file to add it on k3b 0.9 12mdk
> if you want to try it. 
> At this moment it works, but i can import old session
> only logged as root. 
> I cannot compile the CVS project (i have QT 3.1 on my
> mdk 9.1 now); so I cannot try to import it on cvs version.
> Anyway I looked at k3bdevicemanager.cpp and saw that 
> on K3bCdDevice::DeviceManager::scanFstab()  a similar
> change was done. So it could work for me too and my
> patch it isn't useful. 

ok now i read your mail and looked into the patch,
you are right, this is already in 
( and i don't get it how did you manage to import a session :( )

there should be a bool supermount?  saved with each device,
and if (supermount) it shouldn't try to mount the drive but
simply read the content of the mnt_point and probably
disable supermount for the device when burning is active

Sebastian should probably have a better idea thought


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