That's strange. I just installed my laptop 2 days ago with 7.1 and am
having no problems with postfix working. Can you give me some more
information on what you are seeing (If you still have any machines that
you haven't updated?). Also, do you see a difference between machines with
valid registered domain / host names and those without?


On Tue, 27 Jun 2000, Daniel wrote:

> The default installation of postfix that comes with Mandrake does not
> work by default. If I try to use pine to send a message it freezes up pine
> fot more than a minute. It get's stuck at 0% of sending the message. It
> does this with other mail readers too like mutt. Getting the latest postfix
> source and recompiling seems to fix this problem. But I am wondering
> if anyone else has had this problem? I've experienced it in several
> different
> computers. At home, at workstations at school, and on a server at  school
> I've had to recompile postfix to get it to work.Any ideas/solutions? It
> would
> be really nice for it to work out of the box..
> Daniel Tabuenca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> System Administrator
> Computer Science Department
> University of California Riverside

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