> On Wed, 22 Oct 2003 23:37:11 +0200 (MEST)
> "Svetoslav Slavtchev" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > i'm trying to update firestarter
> > in order to use it under 2.6 test kernels,
> > the original src.rpm requires iptables
> > and  we have two packages for iptables 
> > one for 2.4 kernel & one for 2.6 kernel
> I think the reason that the iptables package in main doesn't work on 2.6
> is
> the same as the reason it doesn't work on 2.4.22 vanilla in bug:
> http://qa.mandrakesoft.com/show_bug.cgi?id=5454
> So essentially the contrib package shouldn't be needed. I tried with
> iptables-1.2.9-rc1. Compiled against 2.4.22-18mdk, it doesn't work in
> 2.6.0-test8, while when it is compiled against vanilla 2.4.22, 2.4.23-pre1
> or
> 2.4.23-pre7, SNAT/POSTROUTING works ok for me. 
> The Mandrake kernel is based on 2.4.23-pre1, so something is wrong in the
> mandrake kernel then.
> To be clear, I didn't test more rules, and I didn't test it on one of the
> vanilla 2.4 kernels, but I blindly assume the behaviour is the same.
> If you're upgrading firestarter for mdk 10.0,

me not the maintainer :-)
i was thinking to open a bug report & post the patches/spec
to cooker
(i'm tring to make some 2.6 kernel packages, and when i hit smth
 that doesn't work under 2.6 i'm tring to find a way to fix it
 and provide packages for those who want to try my kernels)

> then the priority should be> on
> fixing this kernel bug.
> But it shouldn't hurt to use the virtual provides as a requires, it's
> probably
> a good thing.

i'm not sure it's a kernel bug,
may be it's a netfilter bug.

may be, just may be
netfilter check the kernels for additional 
netfilter patches, and if it finds such
it build's libraries that are compatible
only for this combination of added patches,
so vanilla kernels can not be used with such
netfilter package

if this is the case 
(and if iptables really does run without problems
 on 2.4 & 2.6 vanilla in case built against vanilla kernel)
then it would be probably better to rename
iptables_kernel-2.6 to smth like iptables_kernel_vanilla
(ya i know the name sucks)
but i have some better sugestions (keeping in mind the kernel naming
policy:-) )
such as "iptables_kernel-marcelo_andrew_linus"


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