------- Additional Comments From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  2003-10-27 19:03 -------
I think there are 3 different issues here.

1/ drakconnect does not show the status of any USB wireless device.
I have a Belkin F5D6050 which is working perfectly using the at76c503a driver 
and comes up as wlan0 but is not detected by drakconnect.

2/ The atmelwlandriver (usbvnet_rfmd) being loaded by the OPs SMC2662-AW device 
requires a configuration programme called lvnet (or xvnet) to set it up. These 
files are not in the distro. Nor is the config file /root/.vnetrc

3/ The atmelwlandriver and the at76c503a support some of the same devices. When 
the device is plugged in hotplug loads both drivers but atmelwlandriver wins, 
but the device does not work because there is no way to set it up.
As a workaround I delete the folder /lib/modules/2.4.
22-18mdk/kernel/3rdparty/atmelwlan and then 'depmod -a' This allows the 
at76c503a driver to load. The at76c503a driver is a lot easier to configure 
because it can be set up by iwconfig and a 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0 file

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Related to bug # 5614.

I plug in my USB SMC2662-AW. Modules usbvnet_rfmd load properly, iwconfig
recognises the wireless device as eth1.
I start Drakconnect, eth1 does not exist (not shown up in the list).
I run the wizard, eth1 is not detected. I choose it manually then carry on. I am
not asked to configure eth1.
Hope this can be fixed since it makes the device unusable (for a newbie)

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