On Wednesday 29 October 2003 10:35 pm, illogic-al wrote:
> just curious. as you may or may not know i'm rebuilding mdk rpms w/ athlon
> optimizations. I found some weird (i think) dependency issues while doing
> so. I'll list them all in this thread, while the rebuilding may not
> interest you guys the dependency ... um, quirks, let us say, may be far
> more interesting for you
> 1. binutils - afaik this shouldn't depend on anything but when building the
> rpm it requires dejagnu and glibc-static-devel
> I went ahead and rebuilt without this and got no errors. Comments?
2. gcc needs 

        gcc-gnat >= 3.1 is needed by gcc-3.3.1-2mdk
        libgnat1 >= 3.1 is needed by gcc-3.3.1-2mdk
        glibc-static-devel >= 2.2.5-14mdk is needed by gcc-3.3.1-2mdk
        tetex is needed by gcc-3.3.1-2mdk
        tetex-dvips is needed by gcc-3.3.1-2mdk
        tetex-latex is needed by gcc-3.3.1-2mdk
        dejagnu is needed by gcc-3.3.1-2mdk

I'm gonna build without installing any of these and see what happens
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