No software, so no piracy, so no problem, now we can join WTO and avoid 
US trade sanctions.

    Vietnam implemented a trade agreement with the United States in 2001
    that requires the government to bring down the piracy rate. And the
    government also needs to do that to meet its goal of joining the
    World Trade Organization by 2005.

    Microsoft Windows and Office cost at least $140 in Vietnam -- way
    out of reach for most people, where the per capita annual income is
    roughly $420. a lot of it got stolen. How do we solve this problem? We take the 
vulnerable software out of the loop, no worries?

    ``We are trying step by step to eliminate Microsoft,'' said Nguyen
    Trung Quynh of Vietnam's Ministry of Science and Technology.

Laugh? I dang near fell off my chair! (-:

Quick, send them a fixed 9.2 ISO set!

Cheers; Leon

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