On Sat, 2003-11-01 at 19:52, Leon Brooks wrote:
> On Sun, 2 Nov 2003 04:10, Duncan wrote:
> > If I don't miss my guess, "The Gimp", was a DELIBERATE play on the
> > above meaning, in the same "finger to the man" anti-corporate
> > poking-fun-at-society deliberate way the Linux community has such
> > applications as "Scrotum" [...], "BitchX", and "Pimp-Ass Newsreader"
> And Pathetic Writer, part of SIAG Office.
> My personal favourite is this descriptively named "Eight-Instruction 
> Turing-Complete Programming Language" from Muppet Labs (not your 
> grandfather's Muppets, it seems):
>     http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/bf/
> ...and here's an interpreter for it written in itself (plus links to a 
> translator-to-C for it)...
>     http://home.planet.nl/~faase009/Ha_bf_inter.html
> Cheers; Leon

One must not forget the ill fated M$ Reader conversion tool  (Converit
Liturature)  which used the C from Convert and the first 3 letters of
liturature.  Great product... lousy name.



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