>>>>> "oden" == Oden Eriksson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


oden> I asked to have TUX included before but it was decided not to use the patch 
oden> because security considerations. But now there's new times with zillions of 
oden> kernels laying around. So, maybe Thomas or some one else would consider 
oden> implementing TUX into a new server oriented kernel?

oden> http://freshmeat.net/branches/45229/

oden> I tried to use the update 9.2 kernel but got rejects, this is simply too time 
oden> consuming for me.

oden> So whatcha say?

As the "proof is in the pudding", somebody in 2.4 era, created an http
sever in user space that was faster than tux (it was named chromium or
something like that).  It was not opensource.  I don't know if
somebody has created/modified an opensource http server to be
faster/as fast as tux.

Later, Juan "Hint Hint" Quintela.

In theory, practice and theory are the same, but in practice they 
are different -- Larry McVoy

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