Just to recap. I think redhat is right on this one... / should not get more messy than it already is...

my original reply is below that was sent to cooker (in case you don't subscribe).

Bryan Whitehead wrote:
Stew Benedict wrote:

OK folks. FHS 2.3 is currently struggling with a couple of controversial proposals. They would like Mandrake's opinion, as part of what FHS tries to do is formalize current convention. United Linux based distros use these currently. My take is Red Hat is against them. I'm not sure how to reply with a formal Mandrake position, but perhaps posting here will give me more of a feel on how the community views these proposals.

Since you asked...

My opinion is /srv is kinda lame idea to begin with. Where we put our data for services seems to be a personal preference.

At JPL many use /export/home[1,2,3...] for nfs/samba home directories. Project space would get /export/proj[1,2,3...]. A database would get /export/data. Others use /data/ or /disk[1,2,3...] or <whatever>.

In other words, this change looks like they want to enforce a certain way of locating / arranging data for various services. I say leave this out... this pulls us away from how other UNIX's deal with this problem: allow the SA to choose his own scheme.

Also the description seems pretty stupid, "/srv - data generated by users for the services the system offers". Can't this also mean data in /home? if the system offers samba as a service should the data now go in /srv ? What about nfs exported home directories do they belong in /srv now?

The intention of unifying the location of where data is kept is a semi-good idea for those who need a decision made for them, but it will be largly ignored by shops who already have a scheme in place and don't want to have thier linux machines differ from their Solaris/AIX/IRIX machines. I don't see why keeping the "default" in /var is bad as many distro's do now. At least it doesn't clutter up my / with yet-another entry.

The /media entry doesn't bother me... but I'd rather see them redefine /mnt to be what most use it for anyway: exactly what they propose /media does. I can already visualize my inbox filling up for the mdk10 upgrade, "/mnt/cdrom is GONE!!! please FIX!!!!"

Bryan Whitehead
SysAdmin - JPL - Interferometry and Large Optical Systems
Phone: 818 354 2903

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