
        Well, my cooker laptop decided to keel over due to a bad case of code-rot.  
Seems something I updated gave it indigestion... sooo.. I backed up 
everything important, and bombed the thing and did a cooker clean install.
The install went pretty smoothly.   There are a couple things that are still 
buggy, though.

        Seems that both the current kernel and the boot kernel have problems setting 
the video mode (ie, vga=791 in my case).  Booting the vgahi image didn't 
help.  Oddly enough, if I go either into Windows first, or into the BIOS 
setup screen, it then will set the mode correctly.  Maybe an initialization 

        I installed the latest kernel, as well as the latest tmb kernel.  The tmb one 
will boot, the stock one won't.. i'll e-mail a specific error message 
tomorrow when I'm more awake and can write it down.

        Odd thing, with the stock KDE installed, which includes Konqueror I would 
think, there's no entry in the menu for browse the web or for launching 
Konqueror as a browser.  Is this normal?

        Sound worked OK until I loaded my backup desktop files, then it started with 
the soundserver error boxes about not being able to set real-time priority 
and running soundwrapper.  Wonder what I broke?

        If installing KDE, and installing on a machine with a sound card, shouldn't 
kmix install by default?  Default install has no workable mixer, had to find 
and individually select the package separately.

        More info in the AM... time for bed.


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