Hello guys,
I give support at MandrakeExpert and there was an
incident created by an user very dissatisfied with
Mandrake Linux 9.2. If you guys want to take a closer
look, the incident number is 72784. The user says
after upgrading to Mandrake 9.2 from Mandrake 9.0 he's
lost a lot of features and customization he'd made. In
answer to him, I said I would forward his complains
about mdk 9.2 to Cooker guys to try to improve the
next version. What do you guys think about his
opnions? Do you think these things can be changed?
Below is the message transcript.
Alberto M.
I just installed Mandrake 9.2 over my 9.0. I have 
lost the following functions, and I want them 
kpp - I had a button on my pannel to launch kpp to 
dial my isp. Now there is no function there. 

Superuser file manager - There was a superuser 
file manager under the file manager section of my 
start menu. It is now gone. What is the function 
that it linked to so I can get it back and 
manipulate the files as root without haveing to 
mess around with an su in a terminal somewhere? 

Kmail address book is gone - Kmail is now asking 
for an address book. I want the one I was using 

Under the configuration menu the login manager 
asked for the root password and let me do useful 
stuff. The new version doesn't. 

So far, I consider 9.2 a major step backward. I 
have to send this message from Windows.

[after, he sent another one]:

I have reloaded the packages for KPPP and KAddressBook
to my system. KAddressBook did find all my e-mail
addresses. Incidently, I also lost the game Freecell. 

My bigger problem is I can't connect to my ISP through
my modem. The connections got lost when I upgraded. I
did use the config tool to setup the internet
connection, but none of my programs (Kmail, pan,
galleon, mozilla, opera, etc.) can connect, and all
report that they are unable to connect to the
requested host. 

Finally, my SCSI devices have disappeared. My swap
file is on the SCSI drive, so this is a potential
problem. At least I have 512 meg of memory. 

Please help. I have to use Windows whenever I want to
go to the net, and I can't install my Win4Lin until I
get the internet connection back up to get the latest
modified kernel from Netraverse. 

Finally, can you go back to the old x-windows signon
window. With the new one, you can only login for users
that are on the list. The old one also allowed you to
enter the user's name. I was hoping to change the
window, or at least add root to the list by using the
login manager from the desktop manager (don't you
think this should be in the configuration manager
too?), and selected the administrator button. The
window appeard to allow me to enter the root password.
The main window went blank and said loading. But then
it blinked for a minute. I could see that the text
boxes were active. Then almost instantly, it went
blank again, and the window was as it is when the
program starts. So I cannot change the login

Is there some way to get rid of the background on all
the pseudo terminals on F1 through F6? 

Can the startup and shutdown all be set to default to
verbose mode? 

The new kde icons look like they were stollen from
Windows XP. Any way to go back to the old ones? 

It does look to me as though you rushed this to the
field, and did not do complete testing. This is the
kind of thing I expect from Microsoft.

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