On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 08:42:21PM +0200, Pixel wrote:
> works nicely for me (i didn't use rpmdrake though, used urpmi directly)
> pixel@leia:~> urpmi sag
> installing 

Okay, urpmi works here as well, but rpmdrake doesn't, so my subject is
correct.  I tried to install sag (407 MB :]), and this simply stops with the
error message I posted earlier.  Further I get this error on stdout or
stderr (don't know):

Died at /usr/X11R6/bin/grpmi.pm line 17, <F> line 12.

Line 17 is:

unless ($size) { print_int(-1); die; }

Line 12:

open F, "$WGET -c $ARGV[0] 2>&1 |";

Does it not find wget?  It is in /usr/bin.  Does passive FTP work with a
Squid ftp proxy?  /tmp is chmod 7777 (drwsrwsrwt).

Who is responsible for rpmdrake?  I mailed this originally to Pixel (and the
list) because Pixel is the packager of the RPM.

Alexander Skwar
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